Why you should include apple cider vinegar in your daily dose of health drink


Most people only use Apple Cider Vinegar while they are cooking. However in the recent years it has gained a great deal of popularity as a healthy drink. Most people prefer drinking it mixed with a little water, lemon and honey. Adding these other ingredients can help lessen the acidic taste of the vinegar. However there are still some people who prefer drinking it raw first thing in the morning. They do so because it is considered a healthy way of reducing fat and obesity. Plus it has a number of other benefits as well.

Read on to see how apple cider vinegar can be beneficial for your health:

Apple cider vinegar can help manage blood sugar

It is one of the most natural ways of controlling your blood sugar. People with insulin resistance find that drinking apple cider vinegar can help them manage their blood sugar levels. It helps improve insulin sensitivity in these individuals and allows the body to process the glucose out of the bloodstream and into the cells. You don’t need to drink a whole lot of it to take effect. Small amount is all that is needed.

Mixing around 20 ml of apple cider vinegar in a glass of water and taken before meals can visibly reduce the blood sugar level after eating.

It can help women manage PCOS

Polycystic ovarian syndrome or PCOS is it difficult to manage hormonal condition. Women suffering from it have high levels of androgen hormones and ovarian cysts and are also insulin resistant. In a study conducted on women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome it was observed that drinking 1 tablespoon of Apple Cider Vinegar in hundred ml of water immediately after dinner help improve their hormone levels and allowed them to experience regular blood flow. This is a standalone research but it has a promising result.

Apple cider vinegar can help you lose weight

Drinking apple cider vinegar allows you to feel fuller thereby eating fewer calories. People who drink around 1 to 2 tablespoons of apple cider vinegar on a daily basis for around three months lose an average of 2 to 4 kg respectively. Also people who are dieting can lose twice as much weight in 3 months when compared to people who didn’t drink apple cider vinegar. Best way to consume apple cider vinegar is to added to hundred ml of water before every meal. It is likely to be more effective when combined with the proper diet and exercise.

Promotes wellness

Another reason for taking apple cider vinegar is to improve the general feeling of well being. People who drink it on a daily basis find themselves feeling healthy and have regular bowel movements. There is little scientific evidence for all of the above mentioned claim but there have been studies on animals which suggests that the vinegar may reduce the risk of high blood sugar can help fight cancer and also slow down the growth of bacteria.

With so many benefits of CoralTree Organics apple cider vinegar, you must definitely include it in your daily routine.


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